Boom, baby! Avalanche is a free company on the Adamantoise realm of Final Fantasy XIV. We're an FC like any other... except we like to blow things up. Whisper any member for an invite.
This is an FC that fosters mutual aid, camaraderie, horizontal leadership. The more that members give back to the FC and each other, the more giveaways we can do, the more options open up for helping each other, etc. You are not expected to raid, craft, gather, do PvP, or do anything, really. Instead, we are looking for community. A rising tide lifts all boats.
If that's not your thing, no worries. There are other FCs. All new members get 2000 gil and a cherry bomb. Message any squad leader and they'll send it over.Rules
- We try not to police speech so crack jokes and talk how you talk. However... no ad hominem, hate speech, advertising, spam, etc. Be a mensch... act like you're face to face.
- Do not ask for gil. If you'd like something but don't have the means, tell the FC what you're looking for and someone will help you get it. We take care of our own and that street runs both ways. ;]
- If you see that actions are running low, please buy more.
- Just by using Discord, you are leaking data. You should never post personal information anywhere on Discord. Use an email alias if you can and turn off data sharing in settings. I recommend our Signal chat if you care about privacy.
- Anyone can send invites. With that being said, please do not invite people willy-nilly. Because members have most FC privileges, recruiting randos presents a higher risk of abuse. Feel free to invite people you trust, friends, etc. if you think they'd be a good fit.
- We don't want to be dumb for a minute longer than we need to be. Got a suggestion? Bring it up in FC chat, Signal, and/or Discord. Try to keep it respectful, eh? "Your passport to complaining is your willingness to do something about it." Rather than complaining, tell us what could be better and how we might go about achieving it.
Our Philosophy
Mutual Aid • Horizontal Leadership • Environmentalism • Ecodefense • Anti-capitalism
Chat Links
FC Chest
Depositing random items in the FC chest is messy and doesn't address member's actual needs. It's most effective to sell stuff on the marketboard and deposit some of the profits in the FC coffers. If a member needs something they can ask the FC for help. This has the added benefit of promoting communication within the FC. Fat coffers means fat giveaways.
Check these out
- The Anarchist Library
- Anarcho-syndicalism
- Food Not Bombs
- Privacy Guides
- Habitat for Humanity
- Moneyless
- Non-monetary economy
- Living without money: what I learned
- Know your rights
- Anarchist criminology
- A list of things that XIV could improve on
I think that's about it. Care for the planet, invite good people to the FC, and have a pleasant day. :]